Saturday, September 26, 2009


Steeleye Span.
Marvelous British folk-rock group, to which my sibling Andy introduced me rather a few years back. A couple of months ago, I saw they were coming to the Ark, and decided that this was necessary. The concert was on Wednesday, and it was all that I could have hoped for. They played a lot of new stuff, and then their first encore song was my first Steeleye experience, "All Around My Hat". Sing-along-age was had. And then they played "Hard Times of Old England". And all was right. Also, David and I got a free copy of their "Bloody Men" CD!

This ties in with my recent joy: writing steampunk folk songs. I'm not sure where the idea came from, but I certainly haven't seen anyone else doing them. Anyway, these are the first songs I've ever written that sounded decent, and the excellent Jess and I recorded some today in the studio up on North Campus. The time constraint means I can't scrap 12 takes running -- good for my sanity, not so great for quality (the vocals are rather dodgy) -- but eh. Free studio space! :)
I have two done, and they are called "I'm Not Sorry" and "Firefly Waltz". One is about zeppelins and betrayal. The other is about betrayal and robots. I do want to do cleaner versions, and hope to add some mandolin soon; I just haven't got a mando part worked out yet. Plus, that requires either multiple sessions or bringing both guitar and mandolin up on the bus. Bleh.

So, yes... forays into musicality. Besides the hour spent fixing machinery, and the lack of water, most excellent. And I am going to branch out genre-wise. It is exciting.

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