Sunday, March 14, 2010

Nobody understands meeee

...though mainly because I sing in made-up languages.

I've been having pretty good times lately. The days are particularly grand when I can get a reservation for the V-Room (UM's sound recording booth). I finally recorded three folk songs I wrote while studying abroad in 2008... the vocals are dodgy as always, but I think the language alone gives these interest. They're written in my conlang, mazlaani. The tunes are stolen from other places; lyrics and loose translations follow... click the song titles to download, or here to listen to all of them on Posterous.

Inothaye eila hi fari - Tune: Navan, "Seoithín, Seothó"

Inothaye eila hi fari
A’santu mari imkarenni
Inothaye eila hi fari
Kaadie tsuoheta leme eiyon
Xiyora lorelea oreni
Lentah pakaiyu sefura faa siten
Xiyora lorelea oreni
S’akal naarana kte’u
Inothaye eila hi fari
A’santu mari imkarenni
Inothaye eila hi fari
Kiie xituran oreni ridae.
To wander this land is good
This is a place of peace
To wander this land is good
Green leaves filter creamy light
I drink in the richness of the days
My feet walk in cool water
I drink in the richness of the days
High sunlight warms my skin
To wander this land is good
This is a place of peace
To wander this land is good
And I have days to wander.

Chilun tumnanaii - The Chieftains, "Don Oiche Ud I mBeithil"

Elemnen kiranaiyo
Kinarolan s’amna me
Ruuara-tsorun xala,
A’sachti faa lihte hou.
A’quuro s’idusa faa
Saahta rochai’an;
Janaï-to lonn faa charam
A’chairechta kummnaou.
The embers of summer sleep under fallen leaves
When I inhale, I awaken
and my breath is mist on the wind.
A fire begins to ignite itself in the air;
Sparks drift red from high branches in the twilight.

As'ailu xirhara lani - Ugnëlakis su Kûlgrinda, "Skauda Galvelá, Negaliu"

As’ailu xirhara lani
Fairech naarai tumnanaii
Xolts’e o rinta leai
Reiya petuvin xani, pexeiya

Inlaat xe xiute raas’in
Rilun, razlaani a’xalsin
S’e o s’inna kinuta’u
Faolan, o eila-urun xa s’inna

Pala’u tchenden nolurinna
Xatou as’tir tuorunna
Qulann'u s’estoh yunao
Lechat’u seiyonna ochai

O as’ach as’ailra saati?
Taapra canssto, taapra s’altï?
Tsuohe-urun a laanti;
Tukran-to s’aarai eila...
From my window I see them,
Sparkling with autumn sunlight.
I would go and run with them,
but cannot; it is not given to me...

How can I stay and whisper?
Now I want to speak, to sing.
The world will see my heart beating!
The whole world will see me.

My drum is the storm’s lightning;
I wear the mountain’s gale.
My music is the beating rain,
My torch is the moon’s flame.

Will my eyes turn back to the window?
Is home a friend or an enemy?
Now all the leaves are falling,
The world gleams copper...
Someday I will add backing to this song; right now, I'm thinking tambourine, electric mandolin, and electric mediocre viola. (More on these later...)

Upon reflection, I think I subconsciously stole a couple of words from Elvish: check "laanti" (they fall), with Tolkien's "lantar" (same), as well as "oren"/"aurë" (day). This is not at all surprising, and as any giant dork will observe, the themes are also pretty similar. I wrote a lot about autumn because I had none that year, being in the southern hemisphere for five months; the vocabulary is also limited, because of the size of the language so far.


There's more in the offing, but I can't give away all my secrets at once. I'm planning some fun stuff for the Maker Faires this summer (A2 Mini and MakerCity in Detroit)... definitely working with the AHA! Shop, possibly the Hands-On Museum, and/or a couple other excellent peoples. It will be a good season.

[Side note: AUGH FORMATTING... I will try and fix this, but no promises. ;_;]

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